It’s almost time!

My new book is gone to the Advance Team today, and it is with the usual mix of excitement and terror I press send. You’d think I’d be used to it by now wouldn’t you? No. It’s more nerve-wracking if anything. This is my twenty-third book and you can pre-order the ebook here:

The West’s Awake

Twenty three books is a lot isn’t it? Sometimes I have to count them and see if I’m dreaming it 🙂 I would hate to ever get complacent or to feel like I didn’t give a book my best effort and it’s something I worry about constantly. We’ve all seen the sequel to the sequel films, and thought, ‘Well that’s just a crass attempt to make money, no care went into that whatsoever.’ I’d hate for you to ever think that about a book I wrote, so I assure you, each one is my baby while I’m writing and editing and I care deeply that you enjoy it.

To that end, I edited for seventeen hours yesterday, so much so that I was totally goggle eyed by the small hours, but there was method to my madness. My eldest son is about to become a Daddy, making me a Granny for the first time, and I need to have the desk clear to make space for my new grandchild. I am so excited there are no words. They live in Dublin so we are going up, it’s about a three and half hour drive, and while the little one may not make an appearance, babies are notoriously obstinate as we know, we’ll stay in a hotel, with a restaurant and have someone else cook the food. I don’t even know who is going to do the wash up! imagine that? I haven’t eaten in a restaurant since last Christmas when we had one socially distant meal so the anticipation for both baby and dinner is at an all time high.

So the paperback version (and large print)  of The West’s Awake will be available next week, and the ebook shortly after. Ralph Devereaux is back, the slimy snake, and he’s determined to make poor Harp suffer. But will she defeat him? She just might, but then again…you never know what will happen!

Have a smashing weekend folks,

Le grá agus míle buiochas

(go to my facebook page, to hear me pronounce and translate my sign off!)

Jean x
