Not an email about Corona Virus!

Greetings everyone and I hope you are all staying safe!

I have nothing to add on the subject of pandemics so we’ll leave it there!

It’s an ill wind I suppose, but since we are all being instructed to stay inside and keep away from everyone, I know I’ll be catching up on my ‘to be read’ pile!

Life here in Australia, like everywhere else, is in a state of flux, nobody knowing how this is all going to play out. For me it means unfortunately, I have to cancel my trip to California. I was very much looking forward to it, but it would be not only silly, but also irresponsible to go, so we made the decision to cancel. So it’s off to the outback for your intrepid writer friend with her laptop, a full kindle and her fingers crossed that we all come out of this thing safely.

Back in Ireland, my family like everyone are doing their best to contain the spread of this thing, and I have to say it’s kind of unsettling to be so far away from them. Not that I could do anything, but still.

What I find heartening though is this, do you notice how all the petty squabbling between politicians seems less as they try to figure this out?

I am finally finished with the creation of my new website – I think its really nice, check it out here and have a nose around.

Also as a result of several requests from readers, I have now made all of my books available as large print paperbacks. Many people have embraced the convenience of e-readers but some people still like a book to read and if weaker eyesight is a problem this should help. I kept the cost as low as Amazon allowed me to but the cost of production is higher as you can imagine, so that’s why they are a little more expensive than regular paperbacks. You can find them on my author page on Amazon – here.

Finally, and in particular in relation to the large print, if you are library members you might consider requesting my books at your local library? I love the idea of my books being in libraries. As a penniless single mother for many years the library was a source of free entertainment for me and my children, so giving others that opportunity to read my books cheers me up no end. Usually librarians order books based on recommendations or requests from readers so if you’re there and you think of it you might mention me?

So, that’s all from me, I’m writing away mad, (though mad may be the best adjective to describe my efforts!) , and wishing you all a safe and relaxing few weeks while the world tries to beat this thing.
