Happy Sunday!

Greetings from the cottage on a lazy morning

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So life is pretty much as I left you last week, still in lockdown here in Ireland, though this week is the beginning of a very cautious and slow re-opening. So from tomorrow we can meet outside, in groups of no more than four, at a distance of two meters. The government will need to monitor each phase and see if it impacts the numbers but fingers crossed we can get back to some version of normal soon.

Meanwhile, in more exiting news. My first German translation was published this week. Auf Tour! For anyone with a German speaking friend or family you can direct them here! The translation was done by the wonderful Katrin Pietzonka who has the distinction of being German, a translator and also a tour guide of Ireland herself, so the best woman for the job without a doubt! She’s working on the next Conor book now.


All support appreciated.

Now, I’m delighted to tell you that my wonderful Advance Team, a smashing bunch of people with such a broad and varied skill set it is incredible, loved Sisters of the Southern Cross. It’s a bit different to what you’re used to from me, set in Australia and so on, but it’s full of twists and turns and unforeseen outcomes. A bit like Australia itself actually. You never know what’s around the next bend. It could be something magical, interesting, terrifying or downright weird.

Here are some of the comments from the team:

‘I didn’t think I could prefer anything to The Robinswood Series but this, well, I just loved it. your best book yet.’

‘I’ve been to Australia! Or at least I feel like I have. You brought me there Jean, and I could see it all, I felt the heat, smelled the flowers, I fell in love with the landscape, the animals, and a group of characters I couldn’t bear to leave.’

‘Another two days of no housework done! I swore I’d put it down by 1 AM and yet there I still was in the small hours of the morning. I had to know what happens next. you’ve done it again.’

‘A rollercoaster. I laughed, I cried, I learned, I was riveted to every page. Well done!’

‘Your books are never formulaic. I frequently go off writers I like because I can guess what is going to happen and after a while the books become very similar. That never happens with you, you never cease to surprise.’

‘Wow! I did not see that coming! A really enjoyable novel, hits all the right notes. Mystery, suspense, a bit of romance, and a happy ending – eventually – but not before you pull the reader through the wringer of emotions! . I loved it.’

So, with a huge sigh of relief, I’ll be sending this book baby out into the world to fend for itself next Friday so you don’t have long to wait! By the way, it will be published in paperback and Large Print papaerback on the same day. Don’t worry – I know not everyone reads on a device!

Oh, I must tell you this on the subject of devices. My niece Ruby, is six and an absolute character. I call her the microqueen and she is tiny but rules the roost. She and her sister got a new puppy recently and of course they are all in love. So Spot is cuddled and played with from dawn to dusk. Anyway a few days ago, seeing poor old Spot needed a break from the constant loving, my sister said ‘Ruby maybe Spot needs a rest, why don’t you just leave him to his own devices for a while?’

Ruby looks up at her mother, perplexed.

‘But Mum, he doesn’t have his own devices!’

She cracks me up that kid!

So, I’ll be in touch later in the week with a bit of the new book to whet your appetite, but in the meantime, take care.

Le grá agus buiochas,

Jean xx
