Readers are the best friends! :-)

Hello to the most wonderful, loyal and generous group of readers a writer could ever wish to know,
To say I’m overwhelmed to the response to my last message is to understate the case. The emails of support, love, prayers, light and hope you’ve sent in the wake of hearing about my parents’ illnesses is more touching that I can ever hope to express. I only feel sad that I can’t reply to each one individually, I would love to, but as well as caring for my Mam and Dad, looking after my kids, trying to finish a book and about a million other things I barely have time to turn around. I know you understand, and know that I read each and every one, and your messages have given me comfort and courage to face what’s ahead. 
Life is strange on so many levels and never so much as now. With illness as many of you know first hand, comes uncertainty, but it also brings out the best in people. The kindness shown to our family since this all happened is so fortifying. We are lucky. Truly. 
Spring is coming to lockdown Ireland and as I write this on a sunny Saturday morning, I know it’s not an exaggeration to say I feel like you are not just a bunch of readers, but friends scattered all over the world. This thing I do, making up stories to tell you, is such a privilege. To be able to make a living from it, to support my family is honestly amazing to me. and something I feel so grateful for. 
I smiled this morning as I opened an email that began with ‘I’ve never written to an author before, and I’m sure you probably wont even read this, someone of your staff will…’ I get a lot of those. 
Nobody else reads my mail, just me. I don’t have staff. Those that write to say they feel they really know me, you do. 🙂
Maybe I’m over thinking it, but I’m not sure many other writers have this with their readers, and I just wanted you to know that in as much as you appreciate me and my books, I too appreciate you and your support and friendship. I begin every writing day by reading my emails. I cant think of any other job that starts with such encouragement. As the nuns might say ‘Tis a wonder your head would fit through the door at all you’d be so full of yourself!’ Lol!
I’m just having a last read through The West’s Awake, the new Harp and Rose story. And I’m loving writing it. That Ralph…urgh. He’s awful altogether. It’s so much more fun to write baddies than the good characters. I think Ralph Devereaux is the worst  villain I’ve ever dreamed up. Even Joseph McGrath in Sisters of the Southern Cross, or Edith in So Much Owed, are not as bad. You can preorder it here if you haven’t already.
 The West’s Awake (
So have a great week, hope you are all staying away from the cursed virus and seeing some green shoots of getting our lives back. Those hugs and coffee with friends will be all the sweeter won’t they? So many of you have written to say you had plans to come here to Ireland, but cancelled due to Covid. I hope you make it, and be sure to let me know if you do. I’ll put the kettle on! 
Le grá agus míle buiochas,
