Follow Liesl on The Hard Way Home…

She left Berlin in 1939 as a frightened
child. Can she go back? Should she?

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For some reason, since first meeting them in The Star and the Shamrock, the fate of these little children has touched so many people. Here’s what some readers have had to say about The Hard Way Home so far:

‘The author skilfully interweaves these events in a sweeping saga ranging from the war torn, devastated, streets of Berlin, to the shortage plagued, hamlets and cities of Ireland, to the balmy beaches of Biloxi, Mississippi, USA. The Republic of Ireland and its neutral role in WWII, its often difficult relationships with England, etc. is accurately told with passion and sensitivity. Yet Jean Grainger pulls no punches on the grim realities of War and its aftermath.’

‘Ms. Grainger has written a beautiful story of survival and hope, but not without some significant bumps that will keep readers engaged. This is a wonderful series about survival during a horrific time populated with characters that leap off the pages and burrow into a reader’s consciousness.’

‘This book is a wonderful read, with adventure, plans for the future, the call of the past, and the value of good friends.
I would love to read a sequel that takes us into their future families and careers. I have fallen in love with the Bannons, and cannot let go of them yet.’

‘Leisel, Jamie, Erich, Daniel, Elizabeth and the band of Ballycreggan folks, became my bedtime family, as I would jump into bed earlier than usual, just to read what happened next. It was most definitely an unputdownable story, as are all of Jean Grainger’s, for that matter. While the author personally shares how we can never forget the horrors, despair and grief so many people suffered at the hands of the Nazi ideology, she does a splendid job throughout the book focusing on the courage, kindness and compassion of so many others. She never disappoints!’

Sending my characters out into the world is a bit like the parent standing at the gate on the first day of school, willing their little one on and praying the world is kind to them. And in this case it was even more poignant as my central characters are two little children. Liesl and Erich have grown up, into a world of opposites. Unimaginable darkness, but also bright, love-giving light, and their journey through to adulthood has been my pleasure to write. Like many of my readers, I’m not sure I can say goodbye to them yet either. We’ll see.

This is my 20th book, and you, my readers, have been so kind to me. I couldn’t do it without you.

Launch week is always hectic, the tech gremlins go on a rampage usually, at exactly the most inopportune time, and there is much to be done. I’m a one-woman show as you probably know, so while I have an incredible team behind me of designers, editors and tech wizards, in the words of Harry Truman, The Buck Stops Here! And so without further ado, The Hard Way Home has flown the nest.

Le grá agus buiochas, (with love and gratitude)

Your happy but tired Irish writer friend,

Jean xx

