I don’t often do interviews, but here I am on Arts TV – check it out

Check out an interview I did with Arts TV this morning.

Just click here to watch

Greetings from a very sunny and warm Ireland.

So life is busy here in the cottage, and the weather at least is cooperating for now with our outdoor life. Lockdown is still pretty strict, but we can now socialise in groups of four outside at a 2M distance, so it’s something. The BBQ is working hard!

In book news, thank you, thank you, thank you all so very much for the wonderful response to Sisters of the Southern Cross. It is remarkable and makes my heart do a happy dance. You’ve all been so kind, so positive in your comments and the sales are really strong so thank you all. If you haven’t got it yet you can download it here:


I did a live interview this morning on a show called Arts TV, hosted by musician, songwriter, composer and teacher Peter Dixon, who also happens to be my lovely brother in law, so you can check that out if you’d like to see and hear me. It was early this morning so I didn’t have time to get the vast wardrobe and make-up teams on site so its just me, lol, but I talk about the books and how connected I feel to you all among other things so if you’re interested – just click this link

The other news if the third book in The Star and the Shamrock Series, called The Hard way home is coming soon, and I’m jsut doing the redraft of the sixth Conor book. It’s so nice to be back with him and all the gang again! I missed him!

So stay safe, stay well, try to avoid that auld virus,

All my love,

